New multimedia book
In conjunction with Australian Geographic Society, WWF and the Grollo Ruzzene Foundation; Andy Dunstan and Jurgen Freund are proud to announce the launch of their multimedia book
‘The Great Barrier Reef Australia Undersea Experience’.
Where and when:
Sydney: Tuesday 24th February, 7pm Australian Museum Theatrette. In conjunction a lecture from Ron and Val Taylor ‘Somewhere beyond the sea’ AG Society Members: $20 Non-members: $25
Townsville: Wednesday 4th March, 7pm Museum of Tropical Queensland. Free admission
The book and documentary film DVD showcase the remarkable projects of Undersea Explorer over the first 10 years of its operation. Shark capture, tagging and tracking; inspirational dwarf minke whale encounters and research, deep sea nautilus science, coral reef health and much more are a feature of the publication. Andy Dunstan tells the story of the unique experiences and conservation rewards for passengers, scientists, conservationists, photographers, film-makers and the staff of Undersea through their eyes and tales. The beautiful images of internationally acclaimed wildlife photographer Jurgen Freund highlight the book and are testament to his five years of close work with the Undersea projects. Footage from international award winning documentaries filmed in collaboration with Undersea by Richard Fitzpatrick and Digital Dimensions are the feature of the accompanying DVD.
As the researchers narrate their stories the viewer is immersed within the full ‘Undersea Experience’. ‘The Great Barrier Reef Australia Undersea Experience’ is at once a coffee table book and a motivational read. The story of Undersea is a testament to a new way for tourism to provide heightened wildlife experiences, allowing everyday people the opportunity to participate in some remarkable underwater adventures. It is also a text providing a unique formula for a change to the way science, tourism and conservation can combine to make a powerful contribution to saving our marine life.
This publication and the overall Undersea Explorer organisation were made possible by the philanthropy of the Grollo Ruzzene Foundation. This vision continues. The profits from this book will directly fund research and conservation projects for the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea.
The booked can be purchased for AU$ 80.00 a copy plus postage of AU$ 10.00 (in Australia) at
The book is a monument to the great work done by everyone who was involved in the UNDERSEA EAXPLORER projects. The staff, the clients, the researchers, the sponsors. It was such a sad moment when it was anounced that the operation of UE has ceased.
Hopefully there will be a successor to take the baton and continue the work.